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 Campaign rules and map

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Posts : 53
Join date : 2012-02-21

Campaign rules and map Empty
PostSubject: Campaign rules and map   Campaign rules and map Icon_minitimeWed Mar 28, 2012 4:42 am


- can be 4 faction (United Kingdom,French,Russian,Prussian) and all fraction have 1-1 leader
- the leader can make war, peace or alliance and he can buy units he can move the units and he chooses where he wants to buy the units
- if one faction capture one castle the leader can burn the castle or keep that
- on the battles don’t kill the last enemy because we have to count the losses
- all movement last for 24 hours, so if you attack anybody today you'll have to make the battle tomorrow
- the units can be recruited at any of the castles that are owned by the general
- when you buy a unit, you will get one soldier only
- all fractions start with 120$
- for all capital cities the leader gets 6$, and 3$ for normal cities per day
- all capital cities which do not belong to any faction will have 15 people as defenders and all normal cities will have 10 people
- movement of units:
Infantry: 150km
Cavalry: 200km
Artillery: 75km
Unit prices:

United Kingdom:
- Line infantry (33rd) 5$/1
- Highlander (42nd) 5$/1
- Skirmisher (95th) 9$/1
- Heavy Cavalry (1st Lifeguards) 12$/1
- Artillery - 2 cannoneers +1 cannon (Royal Artillery) 25$
- Artillery Guard (5th KGL) 5$/1

- Line infantry (45e) 5$/1
- Grenadier(1er) 6$/1
- Hussar (7e) 7$/1
- Lancer (Garde Lancier) 11$/1
- Artillery - 2 cannoneers +1 cannon (9e) 25$
- Artillery Guard (84e) 6$/1

- Militia (Opolcheniye) 3$/1
- Line infantry (Simbirskiy) 5$/1
- Skirmisher (21y) 7$/1
- Hussar (Sumskoy) 7$/1
- Dragoon (Kievskiy) 10$/1
- Artillery - 2 cannoneers +1 cannon (8ya) 25$
- Artillery Guard (Leib Gvardii) 5$/1

- Line infantry (8.Infanterie) 5$/1
- Skirmisher (21y) 7$/1
- Hussar (Russisch Deutsche Legion) 7$/1
- Dragoon (Dragoner Regiment) 10$/1
- Artillery - 2 cannoneers +1 cannon (Korps Artillerie) 25$/1
- Artillery Guard (1.Garde) 5$/1

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